Orthopedic implants India – High quality implants for perfect treatment for bone injuries
Orthopedic implants are useful to
the patients who are suffering from bone injuries and bone joint issues. Many
people have bone related ailments due to advancing age. Others suffer from
sever bone injuries due to accidents etc. reasons. Orthopedic implants India
manufacturers make and supply the whole range of different implants and
instruments to the surgeons and overseas markets. The India implants makers are
recognized the world over for their quality control and meeting the specific
parameters in making these implants.
An orthopedic surgeon uses
different types of orthopedic implant depending on the type of bone injuries.
In fact, for every type of bone injury or joint replacements, there is a wide
variety of implants available. This is because even a small bone fracture
requires use of many small and larger implants. Orthopedic surgeons have access
to a wide range of implants from the markets. India has state-of-the-art
factories to make high quality of implants and instruments. A strict quality
control regime is followed by the manufacturers. Because of the quality
standards, the Indian manufacturers have a larger overseas market for the
orthopedic hardware.
A wide array of implants
Orthopedic implants India makers produce an entire gamut of the implants that the surgeons and patients need.
Here are few of the implants made in India.
fragment safety locking implants – Large fragment safety locking implants
and instruments are particularly used for the purpose of putting long bones in
place after they are fractured. The
surgeons use such implants also for fixation of peri-prosthetic fractures.
screws – Small cannulated screws are required to fix intra articular and
extra articular fractures. The surgeons can fix long and small bone fractures
in both pediatric and adult patients using cannulated screws.
fragment implants –Mini fragment systems implants and instruments are
include screws, fragment plates and implant sets. Mostly, these implants are
used to fix small bones of hand and foot.
Hip prosthesis – The surgeons use Hip prosthesis
India implants are used to replace a part of the Femoral head.
Interlocking nails - Interlocking nails are
especially in use for fixing the fractures of long bones.
pins and wires – These small implants are useful to keep a broken bone in
the tight position and hold the fractured bone in appropriate position.
Small fragment safety locking implants – The
surgeons use fragment safety locking implants are useful for treatment of
osteomies, nounions and small fracture fixations.
fixators – External fixators such as bars, rods, clamps and fixation pins align
and bind the fractured bone.
Spinal implants – These implants are specially
designed to fix spinal disorder.
High quality parameters followed
Orthopedic implants India manufacturers make sure that every product coming out from the factories meets global quality standards. They all are known for keeping a strict quality
regime right from the design conception stage to the finishing phase of the
product. The manufactures use only high grade stainless steel, titanium and
other material.
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